Frida Seternes
The class of 2019
Currently studying Business and Economics at Norges Handelshøyskole and planning to complete her degree with an exchange next year to Singapore, France or Italy, and then a Master’s degree in Europe!
In all steps of my further education I have felt like what I learned at THIS, even in my PYP-years has been useful.
I believe that THIS prepared me for further education by giving us real world practice. We were always encouraged to find ways to answer our own questions, which in reality is all I do at Uni now. Further, we practiced important skills like writing and oral presentations. Being able to learn in a safe and «small» environment such as the one at THIS, allows for students to get out of their comfort-zone and into their learning zone.

Oliver Riordan
The class of 2017
Completed a bachelor of Psychology at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, currently doing a gap year working as research assistant at NTNU and traveling. The future plan is Master’s degree in Psychology at Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Mari Igarashi
The years at THIS – 1st to 4th grade
Currently attending a public high school in Irvine, California.

Regardless its cons, the small class sizes are probably one of the strengths at THIS. I miss the bond that our small class of 20 kids had, and the time we got to spend with our teachers. Field trips are probably one of the largest benefits of having a smaller class, as I probably never have gone to as many since. The beach days at the beginning of the year, and the ski days were definitely a yearly event that I always came back with lots of memories. It was also cool that we could go to various parts of the town to further engage in learning about the unit we were learning about at that time.