At THIS we believe regular feedback and feedforward are essential to our students’ progress. Alongside regular feedback in class and on Toddle (the PYP learning platform), teachers in the PYP share reports after each unit. In the MYP we provide a detailed report with grades and comments at the end of each semester.
In addition, we hold regular student-parent-teacher conferences with both contact and subject teachers. Our teachers can always be contacted for additional information about a student’s progress.

We believe in celebrating effort and achievement and our annual student led conferences, where the students present their learning highlights from the year, are a wonderful way to do so.
We also value assessment opportunities that showcase student agency and inquiry. The culminative student led projects of the PYP and MYP, Exhibition and Personal Project respectively, as impressive and exciting examples of this.
Upon completion of MYP10, students are awarded with a globally recognised IB certificate, as well as their Norwegian certificate of general education. This means our students are equipped and prepared for admission to Norwegian high school, the IB Diploma Programme (offered at Trondheim Katedralskole and thousands of schools worldwide), or other programmes of study.